Henmo has changed the way we relate. It has moved interactions between chickens and humans into the digital world--and into a whole new era.
Henlo Park-based technology company has upended the age-old question of "chicken or the egg." The answer, says the AI and blockchain-powered upstart: Both.
Henlo Park, CA--Henmo, the much touted AI- and blockchain-powered post-social networking app, has received $13.6 million as part of a particularly fertile seed round to support the growth of its disruptive technology platform and consumer-facing product.
“We have hatched the perfect growth plan, and we’re pleased that the chicken patron community has stood behind us as we emerged from our open-beta shell,” says Henmo CEO and co-founder Rusty Clucz. “With this crucial investment and with the rapidly expanding henfluencer market, we know our product will remain all its cracked up to be as we scale.”
The Henmo app leverages the healing power of chickens and the keto-driven craze for all things egg by allowing fans to become patrons of their favorite feathered celebrity, whether it’s a Barred Rock in New Hampshire like Speckle Girl, who earns an average of $4K each month on the app, or an urban Australorp in Alameda like the ever popular Giselle, whose sleek iridescent feathers and love of scratching in straw have won over millions of Henmo users.
“Chickens should have options,” explains Henmo CMO Melinda Featherstone. “They can lay eggs and connect with local egg lovers who can then pay in-app for delivery to their home or office. The chickens can also opt out of laying and simply do what they do best, preening, dust bathing, and just clucking around to delight Henmo users. We have created a seamless user experience serving both sides of the henspiration market.”
Henmo’s proprietary AI technology allows it to match hen to chicken lover based on preferences and past user behavior. All transactions take place on the blockchain. Henmo is the only chicken patronage app that allows users to send and accept bitcoin, though users can also opt to patronize their favorite chickens via feed corn, bugs, table scraps, or one of 15 different world currencies.
“We are confident the capital chickens will soon come home to roost thanks to Henmo’s stunning growth,” notes Bill Beakman of Wingman Capital. “We’re putting our money on this new market and believe me, it’s no yolk.”